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2024 Sandy Mountain Rules & Regulations (May 11-Oct 14)


Basic Park Rule: Have respect and consideration for your fellow campers and the park


Service Requests: ALL service requests must be made at the office or on  No requests are to be made to staff working outside of the office.


LOUD NOISE-DISTURBING OTHERS:  please keep the volume of your music, and your voices, to a reasonable level AT ALL TIMES.  Power tools are not to be used on weekends.


QUIET TIME:  Sunday to Thursday-11pm-8am, Friday to Saturday-12am-9am.  Everyone under age 19 must be on their lot by 11pm.  No exterior generators or power equipment. If your neighbor is too noisy, tell him about it nicely: if that doesn’t work tell us.


Parents are responsible for the actions of their children at all times.


OCCUPANCY:  rate includes 1 trailer, 2 adults & 2 dependent children (under 18 living at home). Any trailer occupying a lot will be charged season fee whether in use or not. Picnic tables not included.  Trailers to be kept in good repair, lots to be kept neat & free of rubbish and debris.  Not to be used for storage of junk, trailers, vehicles or boats.  Vehicles to be parked on your own lot.  All trailers must be insured and have holding tanks.  Please notify us by Sunday if the grey water site tank or trailer black holding tank needs to be emptied.


Building/Construction:  No construction on weekends. No construction may be done without prior written approval.  This includes, decks, sheds, roofs, etc.  Only 1 storage shed (no larger than 6x8x7) permitted. Decks no larger than 240 sq. ft.  No additions. Please check before digging.


CONTRACTS & FEE’S: Late payments are subject to interest of 2%/month.  ½ of your fee is due by May 11, 2024.  The balance is due by June 11, 2024.  Do not enter our property until we have received payment.  We are not able to deal with contract’s, fee’s, or turning hydro on over the May long weekend.  $300 non-refundable deposit required by August 31, 2024 to leave your trailer on site beyond October 14th, 2024.  Please note that a gate card may be required to gain access during peak periods. Gate cards require a $20 deposit.  Do not lend your gate card to anyone or let anyone through the gate with it.




GARBAGE:  If you wish us to dispose of your garbage, it can be left in the dumpster at the office for $2/bag.  “Bagged garbage only.”  Recycling must be separated (containers vs. fibers) and in transparent plastic bags and brought to the office.  Garbage/unwanted items left anywhere else on the property will be charged an appropriate fee, starting at $25.  We will not get rid of your appliances, furniture, building materials etc.   Burning garbage is not permitted.  Compostable yard waste may be put in leaf bags at the edge of your site for pickup.  No garbage is allowed in leaf bags. Please do not leave leaf bags out when rain is forecast.


APPLIANCES:   fridge-not permitted inside metal sheds.  Air cond.-must be off if you’re not there and not permitted inside add-a-rooms.   WASHERS/DRYERS NOT PERMITTED.  No household toilets.  Outdoor lights etc. not to be left on while you’re gone home.


POOL: opens approximately June 24.  Ensure you read pool rules.


PETS:  Must be cleaned up after and kept on a leash.  Not permitted inside pool enclosure, on golf course, or in store.  Must be kept quiet. Please do not leave waste bags in garbage cans in public areas; they can be disposed of with your regular garbage.


WATER:  our water is supplied by 1 drilled well, therefore washing of trailers and vehicles is not allowed, lawn watering only for new seed before 8am and after 8pm.


VISITORS: (anyone who is not a registered camper) Must be registered.  Must leave by 11pm, and are the responsibility of the camper. Unregistered visitors will be permanently banned from the property, and a fee may be charged to the season camper hosting the visitor.


GOLF COURSE:  Registered Golfers Only Permitted on Course. 

If you are not a member you must register before entering.  If you are golfing outside office hours, you must sign in on the sign in sheet and pay using the honour box or e-transfer before you play.  No one under the age of 12 permitted on the course without a registered adult golfer.  No unregistered persons or pets allowed on course.  Only those with a disability affecting their ability to walk the course are allowed golf carts on the course and must receive approval from the office.




  • No trailer rentals. No one is to use your trailer unless they register at the office and pay the nightly site fee.

  • Please remove anything tied to trees at end of season: leaving them can kill the tree

  • Hoses left attached to taps at the end of season may be cut.

  • No motorcycles, mini bikes, A.T.V.’S.  Anyone driving a motorized vehicle or golf cart must be an insured licensed driver and must abide by the park speed limit and provincial laws.  You can be charged with impaired driving on a golf cart or any other motorized vehicle.

  • No electric golf carts are permitted.

  • There is a $50 administrative fee charged for trailers sold on site, unless the trailer is being removed from the premises.  Both the purchaser and the trailer must be approved to remain on the property.

For more information please call  (613) 989-2058
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